Onze focus tijdens de Aikido jeugdlessen meer op de martiale kant van het Aikido. Zo dagen we ze uit op verschillende vlakken. We creeëren bewustwording en werken aan conditie. In de lessen maken we gebruik van situaties en hoe hier zo goed mogelijk mee om te gaan. Tijdens de zomer is Urban Aikido een uitstekend onderdeel waarbij we bijv. No-gi (zonder Aikidopak) trainen. Op deze manier brengen we de Aikido jeugdles dichterbij de belevingswereld van de jongeren.
The youth programme states 'standing up for yourself' central. You learn to stay more in touch with yourself and to let yourself be less carried away by emotions.
The self-defence techniques help you physically more resilient become. Improve your posture and appearance. Finally, you do not have to be big and strong for Aikido.
There is no previous knowledge required to participate in Aikido lessons for youth. Everyone trains at his or her own pace..
At Ando, we provide a safe and familiar learning environment. That is the way to make progress. After all, you learn by making mistakes.
Yes. We believe that Aikido works. Of course, like all martial arts, it requires enough mat-hours. In addition to this question, an Aikidoka only sees a 'battle won' when there was no need to fight. That is the essence of Aikido.
Aikido has many (graceful) turning movements. You will never see an Aikidoka blocking something, but turning with the energy coming at him. Followed by e.g. a wrist clamp, which then results in a nice floating roll. Not because this is a realistic falling motion, but because it is one of the best ways to prevent injuries. Did you know that Aikido has the most variations in fall breaking of all Martial-Arts?
The greatest differences are not in the techniques, but in the the context in which we explain and practise them. This is how challenge the youth moreThey use situations that they might encounter, for example, at school. (By the way, we also exchange the lessons sometimes).
It is as tough as you make it. We will try to challenge you on your levelso that when you go home you think 'hey what a good workout that was'. In the end, it's about learning to challenge yourself.
We will share the costs with you after the first lesson. It is important to us that you like Aikido.not because it is cheaper than tennis, for example. If it is too expensive, we will find a solution. The essence is, do you like Aikido? That is why our trial lesson is free. The choice after that is always up to you.